Wednesday, April 7, 2010

More Ups and Downs

The increased fatigue that I had been experiencing in late February and early March, improved for a while but then over the last couple of weeks, I've had another increase in symptoms, which were particularly intense over the past weekend, including Easter. I was again experiencing intense fatigue along with gait problems and some visual symptoms.

Last week, I found myself unable to go to Aquatics or to my Physical and Occupational Therapy Sessions and had trouble even getting out of bed.

I've been trying to do what I can until I can get back on track in terms of exercise, but I've been continuing to log my food and water intake and have been resting.

I was able to visit with family on Easter and to get to Holy Week and Easter Services at my parish, even though I wasn't too lively.

On a lighter note, when I got dressed for church on Holy Thursday, I found that the skirt that I planned to wear was quite large in the waist. This was the first time I'd really had a chance to notice a significant difference in my clothing.

By Monday, I felt a bit better and once again got to my programs.

Below is a photo of our Easter Eggs, some of our Easter Dinner and of the tulips on our table.

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